

On Wednesday nights at Signal Pres our building comes alive! We have activities for the whole family. Our building is full of hundreds of students, kids, and volunteers! Every room in our building is used and the Gospel is taught, learned, and experienced in a real and true way! Read below for our Wednesday schedule and details for ways you can engage with our church body at Signal Pres! Our Wednesday night programs are active throughout the school year but take a break during the summer months! Please feel free to reach out to one of our staff or ministry leaders for any questions or for more information!

Wednesday Schedule

Childcare opens at 5:45 PM for children birth through age 3.
This is offered for parents who are with us on-campus
either serving as a volunteer or attending an Adult Discipleship class.


Westminister Choir (Grade 3-5)

Drop-off – 3rd floor Cornerstone


Kids Discipleship (Age 4-Grade 5)

Check-in – Sanctuary Entrance

Students & Embrace Drop-off

Youth Wing


Adult Discipleship Class Begins 

Classes held periodically throughout the year 


Sanctuary Choir

Music Suite


Kids & Adults Dismissed

Two Car Lines


Students & Embrace Dismissed

Kids Discipleship

Age 4 - Grade 5

Wednesdays during the School Year | 6-7:30 PM

Kids Discipleship is our primary environment for shepherding and discipling kids. It’s a mix of large group worship and teaching, small groups, and of course, FUN! We believe all our time together is important, but we are especially intentional about kids’ small groups. By giving kids a place to belong, they can more easily begin a journey into deeper relationships with their peers, their leaders, and most importantly, Jesus. If you have questions, we would love to hear from you!  Feel free to contact Catherine Payne or Joanna Eshee with any questions!

Student Discipleship

Grade 6 - 12

Wednesdays during the School Year | 6-7:45 PM 

Wednesday Nights at SM2 is our opportunity to open wide our doors to middle and high school students in our church and community as we seek to present them with the good news of Jesus equipping them to live in his love and serve in his name. When it comes to Wednesday Nights, we work toward giving all students a place to belong and people to belong to within the context of D-Groups where they gather around the scriptures in such a way that they are heard, cared for, and pointed to Jesus. If you have any questions about D-Groups or SM2 please feel free to email Camille Ward or Bridget LeJeune

Embrace Ministry

For Kids, Students, & Adults with Disabilities 

Wednesdays during the School Year | 6-7:45 PM

At the heart of our ministry is a desire to see all members of our community have opportunities to participate in the life of the church. If your child or family member has additional needs or would benefit from personalized support on Wednesdays, or for Kids Discipleship or Student Ministry please contact Cara Rock, Director of Embrace Ministry. Embrace Ministry offers many kinds of support and respite, including two sensory rooms staffed by trained caregivers, one-on-one support, and monthly date nights for parents of children with disabilities and their siblings. We would love to talk to you about creating a personalized care plan for your family! There is also an Embrace Bible Study for Students and Adults in room 299 from 6-7:45 pm. 

Adult Discipleship

Wednesdays during the School Year | 6:15-7:30 PM  
Sundays during the School Year | 6:15-7:30 PM

Our adult discipleship classes provide opportunities for connection and formation. With a rotating cycle of classes and a variety of days/times, we hope you find something to suit your needs and availability. Oftentimes there is a Wednesday Night class taking place during Kids and Student Discipleship times, allowing opportunities for the whole family to connect and grow. There is childcare available for children 0-3yrs old if you are attending our adult discipleship classes! Please feel free to email Jackie Carpenter or Joey Sherrard with any questions about Adult Discipleship. 

Music Ministry

Westminster Singers | Grades 3-5

Westminster Singers meet each Wednesday during the school year, 4:50-6 PM, in the Music Suite. Choir members will learn to sing skillfully and beautifully, learn to read music and develop musical skills, accompany songs and anthems with instruments, explore God’s Word and minister to God’s people by leading in worship, concerts and productions. For any questions about Westminster Singers please email Jason DuRoy

Sanctuary Choir

Sanctuary Choir is our primary adult musical ensemble. They perform weekly in services and in sacred concerts throughout the year. The Choir is open to anyone interested. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings during the school year, 7-8:30 PM in the Cornerstone Music Suite. Steven Ingram is happy to answer any questions you may have!