Kids Ministry


Signal Pres Kids Ministry comes alongside families to help kids hear the gospel,
trust God and his word, and serve him in their everyday lives.

Birth to Pre-K

K- 5th Grade

In Preschool Ministry, we welcome families and care for their children by offering consistent caregivers who are a familiar face week-to-week, along with volunteers who have a soft spot for littles. We aim to partner with parents to begin to sow seeds of gospel truth in the young hearts of their children by teaching simple biblical truths of scripture. At this young age, it is important for children learn that church is a safe place, that God made them, that God loves them, and that Jesus wants to be their friend forever. Our preschoolers are encouraged to be little, to build relationships, and to ask questions, because our goal is to make it simple and to make it stick. 
In Kids Ministry, we disciple Kindergartners through 5th Graders and walk alongside families to help instill in their children the love of Jesus. We do this through corporate worship, our primary discipleship time for kids and students on Wednesday nights, and equipping of families to grow in faith together. Each time we gather, kids experience God's Big Story in our worship songs, teachings, and small group activities. Discipleship is more than a transfer of knowledge. It's a story to be told and a story that can transform. Our goal is simply to share the story, to show kids the love of Jesus in practical ways, and to put the Word of God deep in their hearts for them to remember always.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Sunday Mornings

9:00 AM & 11:00 AM

One of the cornerstones of our life together as a church is corporate worship.  In the Bible, we see so often that God’s perfect plan for discipling his people includes passing on faith within families. We see both corporate and family worship as a critical means of discipleship for kids of all ages! If you are new and it will be your first time dropping your infant to 3-year-old off in our nursery, we ask that you fill out a pre-registration form for your child.

 We also offer Kingdom Kids which takes place during the sermon portion of Sunday worship (at both the 9 AM and 11 AM services). This is for children ages four (by Aug 15 of the current school year) through kindergarten. The Kids Ministry staff is here both to equip parents and help kids transition from a nursery setting to participating in “big church.”
Again if you are a first-timer, please fill out a pre-registration form for your child. This will save you some time on Sunday!

Wednesday nights

Starting at 6:00 PM

Kids Discipleship on Wednesday Nights is our primary discipleship environment for children ages 4-5th grade. We start the night off with worship, have a large group teaching time, followed by small groups, and of course pack in plenty of fun! Our Small Group Leaders show up week-in and week-out and are committed to the spiritual care and nurturing of the 10-12 kids in their groups. They teach memory verses, have conversation about the teaching, and are simply present with and for your child. Your child gets to experience what it means to belong to a small group where you are not afraid to ask hard questions, learn to pray for each other,  can practice your faith, and someone notices when they're not there.

First timer? Be sure to register ahead of time, so we will be ready to welcome your child! Westminster Singers is for kids in grades 3-5. Check-in is at 4:50 PM and choir begins at 5. Kids in Westminster Singers will transition to Kids Discipleship at 6 PM. 

Upcoming Kids calendar

Signal Pres kids ministry

It's more than Kids Ministry . . . it's Kids Discipleship.


We believe that every stage of a child’s development matters, and as children grow, their parents are growing, too. We love to come alongside parents as they navigate how to raise godly children by providing community, offering opportunities for education, and encouraging specific ways for families to grow in their love for Jesus together in their daily lives. We also seek to give parents respite and time to care for their own spiritual and relational needs as they participate in the life of the church. Preschool Ministry is open during all Sunday worship services (9 & 11 AM) and also for most church-wide events.


Few things rock our world more than the milemarkers we experience as children and with our children. From the birth of your first baby to Kindergarten graduation, a child’s first communion to heading off to college, we want a front-row seat to the joys you celebrate as a family, and we’re here to cheer you on through each stage! It goes without saying that some milemarkers are bittersweet, and some are hard-earned. As you roll up your sleeves and dig in to the more challenging aspects of parenting, we want to be a resource and support system, helping you to discover beauty and truth even when parenting gets tough.


Welcoming our little ones into a space where they can flourish requires our utmost care for safety and security. Protecting our children includes attentive care by both paid and volunteer caregivers, age-appropriate classrooms, thorough cleanliness, and of course a comprehensive system for securing the floor. All doors leading to the Children’s Floor are secured at all times. All volunteers and paid caregivers are required to attend training and complete a background check. Parents are required to check-in children at kiosk stations and print off a security tag for each child, and only parents or legal guardians may pick children up. If this is your first time visiting with us, see a check-in volunteer to get squared away with a temporary tag, and on your next visit you will be able to use the kiosks. Lastly, in order to protect our children with food allergies, we maintain a nut-free facility. If your child has an allergy or carries an epi-pen, please notify us.


At the heart of our ministry is a desire to see all members of our community have opportunities to participate in the life of the church. If your child has additional needs or would benefit from personalized support in the Preschool setting, please contact Cara Rock, Director of Embrace Ministry. Embrace Ministry offers many kinds of support and respite, including two sensory rooms staffed by trained caregivers, one-on-one support, and monthly date nights for parents of children with special needs and their siblings. We would love to talk to you about creating a personalized care plan for your family!

Meet the team




Director of Kids Discipleship
Kids Ministry Specialist 0-3yrs
Kids Ministry Specialist 4 yrs – 1st Grade


Kids Ministry Specialist 2nd – 5th


Administrative Assistant