Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.
Philipians 2:4-8
There are so many ways to get connected and volunteer at Signal Pres! The church needs every member. Here at Signal Pres we believe we are called to live as the faithful and practical presence of Jesus' love. We can do that by serving one another as Christ did. There are countless opportunities to put your time, talent, and resources to work for the good of Signal Pres, our community, and God’s Kingdom throughout the world. Check below for ways you can voluteer and serve at Signal Pres.
For Global and Local Missions, click on over to our Sending page.
For Global and Local Missions, click on over to our Sending page.

Serve in our church
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.
Don't know specificlly where you want to help?
Fill out the volunteer form below and
get connected with one of our staff to
help you find where you fit!
Serve with Embrace / NightOWLS
One of the best ministries that SIgnal Pres offers! We cant do it without you. If you would like to volunteer to help the best team on Signal, sign up below, and either Cara Rock or Celestial Allen will get back to you!
Serve with Student Ministry
Want to invest in middle and high school students? SM2 has weekly, monthly, and one-off serving opportunities. Connect with one of our Student Discipleship staff at the link below to inquire about serving in the Student Ministry!
Serve with Kids Discipleship
Love to love on kids? Want to pour into the next generation? Connect with one of our Kids Discipleship staff at the link below to inquire about serving Signal Pres Kids!
Serve on Sundays!
There are a handful of ways you can volunteer during our Sunday services! From being a door greeter to helping with coffee! If you would like to serve on Sundays, reach out to Krista below!
Serve in our Community
Signal Pres Serves is a fresh new take on Serve Saturday. We are moving to a new model to better serve our local ministry partners and getting to the heart of serving. We will have three service dates to choose from and will meet on site to tackle a service project together. Pick one day that works best for your family, or come help at all three! Registration open!!
Current dates: October 26th, November 2nd, November 9th
Current dates: October 26th, November 2nd, November 9th