2025 Formation: Scripture
Who doesn’t want to live a fruitful life? The psalm depicts in vivid terms the difference Scripture can make in our life. This year at Signal Pres we want to invite you into a year-long journey in growing in your love and knowledge of God’s Word.
For those who struggle to develop a daily relationship with God’s Word, we want to help you make a first step.
For those who long for more, we want to give you different tools that can grow your delight in God’s Word.
This year we are inviting you into four different ways to engage with God’s Word. And join us on March 2nd for the next Formation 45 between the 9 and 11 am services!
For those who struggle to develop a daily relationship with God’s Word, we want to help you make a first step.
For those who long for more, we want to give you different tools that can grow your delight in God’s Word.
This year we are inviting you into four different ways to engage with God’s Word. And join us on March 2nd for the next Formation 45 between the 9 and 11 am services!

The signal pres podcast
A new way to learn, grow, and get connected to the Body of Christ at Signal Pres.
Each week you’ll hear teaching that will help you grow in Christ, interviews with staff and congregation members, and ways to get involved with what God is doing at Signal Pres and in our community. Co-hosted by Abby Hutto and Joey Sherrard.
A year in Scripture: 2025
We’re inviting you to one habit that undergirds all of the ways we’ll be teaching you to engage with Scripture. Before you look at a screen – your phone, a TV, your computer – spend time in God’s Word. This is a simple and straightforward way to make sure that it’s God’s Word that gets the first hearing of your heart every day.
January – February
Beginning with a Jan 12 Formation 45 kickoff, we want to help you get into the habit of reading Scripture regularly. You can pick up a daily reading plan where over seven weeks you'll get to know the Big Story of the Bible. This simple reading schedule will help you grasp the narrative of the Bible and apply what you learn to your ordinary life. Resources will be provided to do this on your own, with your community group, or in your family. Or you can sign up for one of our Men’s and Women’s Bible Studies on II Samuel.
March – April
For the season of Lent we will learn to meditate on God’s Word. Throughout the season we’ll be looking at stories of Jesus’ love for the weak and the wounded. We’ll kick this off with another one-off Formation 45 on March 2nd. We’ll provide you with simple instructions and a schedule of guided readings that will help you to go deeper with Scripture and encounter Jesus in the Word.
September – October
Once we’re back from the summer we’ll join together as a congregation to learn to hide God’s Word in our hearts. On September 7th we’ll get started with another one-off Formation 45 with teaching on why you should and how you can incorporate memorization into your life.
November – December
As we turn our hearts toward Advent and Christmas, we’ll look at the Psalms. They are both God’s Word to us and also the words he has given us to pray back to him. On Nov 2 we’ll equip you at our final Formation 45 session for this year.
Please click the link below to access a list of resources referenced in our Adult Discipleship classes and Podcast. Joey and Abby have thoughtfully compiled some of the most frequently cited materials in one convenient location for your easy access.
UNDERSTANDING YOUR BIBLE (Jan 22 – Feb 26): Six weeks learning about the Big Story of the Bible and how you can read Scripture for yourself. Each week’s lesson will coincide with the content of the READ Bible reading plan.
UNDERSTANDING YOUR BIBLE (Jan 22 – Feb 26): Six weeks learning about the Big Story of the Bible and how you can read Scripture for yourself. Each week’s lesson will coincide with the content of the READ Bible reading plan.

The Wounded Healer
THE WOUNDED HEALER (March 12 - April 9th)
Beginning with our Ash Wednesday service and continuing throughout Lent, we'll sing, hear about Jesus’ heart for hurting souls, and come to the Lord’s Table. This more contemplative worship service is a wonderful companion to our MEDITATE focus for that quarter.
We will meet in Marr Chapel on Wednesday evenings from 6:15-7:30pm, March 12th through April 9th.
THE WOUNDED HEALER (March 12 - April 9th)
Beginning with our Ash Wednesday service and continuing throughout Lent, we'll sing, hear about Jesus’ heart for hurting souls, and come to the Lord’s Table. This more contemplative worship service is a wonderful companion to our MEDITATE focus for that quarter.
We will meet in Marr Chapel on Wednesday evenings from 6:15-7:30pm, March 12th through April 9th.