Women's Ministry

Women's ministry at Signal Pres

We seek to provide opportunities for you to connect with other women who, like you, long to strengthen their relationships, both with God and those around them. We believe that when we come together –whether it’s to study, to share our stories, to serve those in need, or to simply chat over a cup of coffee – something important happens. Our hearts are stirred in love for one another and for God!

Some of the ways we connect and serve

There are many ways to plug in to the Women’s Ministry, so please feel free to browse our programs and sign up to join us. We would love the opportunity to connect you if you are new!
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch!


Women of the Word (which we affectionately call ‘WOW’) is bible study that takes place on Thursdays, 9:30-11:30 AM, with coffee available starting at 9 AM.

Gather & Grow

Join us for Gather & Grow! The first Monday of the month (Oct-Dec & Feb-May) the women of Signal Pres gather to share a meal, fellowship, and grow in faith together! This is the perfect place to show up exactly as you are– there is no homework, no expectations… just fellowship, learning, and growing.


The MomCo (formerly MOPS) meets on the first Tuesday of each month from September to April.  Click below for more information on TheMomCo or to register!

Women's Circles

Growing in God’s word and supporting local ministry is what Women’s Circles are all about. Women’s Circles have been a longstanding ministry at Signal Pres. We meet once a month either on Monday or Tuesday morning from September through June at the church in small groups. All ages are welcome!
If you are interested in joining our Circles, please fill out the form linked below!!

Evening Study

Signal Pres Women’s Ministry hosts several evening bible studies throughout the year. Our current study is in 2nd Samuel and meets Monday nights from 6-8:30PM! Please email Krista with questions!

Fitness Focus

Fitness Focus is our way of being intentional to get out and explore the natural beauty that we have right here in Signal Mountain, Chattanooga, and surrounding areas! Hiking, paddling, and other activities to enjoy together. If you would like information about upcoming events be sure to check our events page, or click below to be added to the e-mail list!

Books & Lunch

Join Us for Books and Lunch
April 17- May 15, 12-1PM in the Youth Lounge, Led by Jean Smith and Cathy Brown.

Even Better Than Eden: Nine Ways The Bible's Story Changes Everything About Your Story, Nancy Guthrie traces nine themes that reveal God's plan for a new creation that's far more magnificent than the original---and explains how to recognize signs of it now. God's story holds so much for us!


In His Service is a long-standing women’s ministry which serves Signal Mountain Pres, the local community, and our missionaries worldwide.
The women of IHS meet in Woodward Hall the 3rd Monday of the month (September through May) from 10:00-12:00pm. Following our time of service, we share a light lunch together.

Upcoming women's events CALENDAR

Below is a calendar of our women's specific events!
These events also appear on our Church-wide Calendar if appropriate!

women's ministry team.


Director of Women's Ministry


Adult Discipleship Ministry Coordinator