Local Outreach

In seeking to become the faithful presence of Jesus in our homes, our workplaces, our communities, and our world, we quickly learn that putting our faith to action through acts of service is the path to fruitfulness, both for ourselves and those we serve. Locally, our expression of love through service is organized under Local Outreach, and we believe that each of us has a role to play.

Partner with us!

As a church set in a specific location, in a specific time in history, surrounded by specific specific needs, we aim to use the resources and passions the Lord has given us to minister well in our context. Thankfully, we share that mission with dozens of local ministries and non-profits, whom we call our Community Partners. We minister alongside our Community Partners by providing access to resources, participating in their work, and supporting them financially.

In 2021, we gave over $300,000 to 40 local ministries and non-profits (our Community Partners). In addition, individuals and families contribute through designated gifts and personal financial support.


Service at Signal Pres is not just a menu of outreach and mercy events; it’s a way of living and loving. There are always needs amongst our members and Community Partners, and we hope to be the kind of people who are eager to participate in meeting those needs as we are able.

There is a wide range of opportunities for service that may interest you, depending on your availability and giftings. Whether you enjoy providing meals, helping with chores, offering childcare, providing transportation, or any number of other acts of love, chances are we know of someone who would be tremendously blessed by your service.

Twice a year the Signal Pres family comes together to roll up our sleeves and get to work on behalf of our Community Partners. This event, called Serve Saturday, is a great opportunity for families and small groups to sign up to serve alongside one another for the sake of a neighbor or ministry. We meet at the Youth Café for breakfast and prayer, and then disperse to a handful of worksites to help with things like painting, yardwork, simple repairs, cleaning, and organizing. There’s a job for every age and all abilities!


It is our joy to make the Guest House, a 3 bedroom, 2 bath home adjacent to the church, available to our local and global ministry partners for short-term visits. Most often we host missionaries, active or retired pastors, church speakers, and special guests. To inquire about making a reservation, contact Jesse Schwindt using the button below.

Global Outreach

The same commission Jesus gave to his disciples after his resurrection holds true for us today: Go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 38:19). At no other point in history has the worldwide Church had the capacity to impact so many people with the transforming message of the Gospel, however today there are still 3.14 billion unreached people (42% of the world’s population). In multiplying our resources through the ministries of mission partners around the world, God is at work bringing the nations to himself.

Adult Mission Opportunities

Teams of adults are sent out in mission several times a year to locations across the world. Whether serving in medical missions, assisting at an orphanage, facilitating Bible camps, discipling others, or any number of other focusses, our teams are built to serve in partnership with locals with the desire to build fruitful, long-term relationships.

Student Mission Opportunities

Middle and high school students have opportunities to serve locally and abroad as they learn to be the faithful presence of Jesus’ love in different contexts. Each trip has its own focus, whether that is maintenance and upkeep projects or assisting caretakers at an orphanage, community service projects or partnering with organizations on-the-ground in a multitude of settings. Pre-trip training is required, and fundraising opportunities and scholarships are available.

Partnership with Long-term Missionaries

Fueled by a desire to be the faithful presence of Jesus’ love in our homes, workplaces, city, and world, we joyfully support dozens of mission partners each year. A significant part of our budget goes directly to these missionaries, and members may always designate gifts to any of our partners. In addition to committing financial resources to our mission partners, we also commit to praying for, communicating with, and caring for our partners in meaningful ways. For some of our partners, we are able to provide on-the-ground support through short-term missions teams.


- Chad Seagraves, 10/40 Connections

Missions Partners

Seagraves Family

10/40 Connections
Southeast Asia, Thailand

McKay Family

Engaging the Displaced
Among Refugees

Faculty Commons
A Ministry of Cru

Jim & Cindy Hynds
Chattanooga, TN

Focus on the Family

Colorado Springs, CO

For His Children

Rachel Kennon, Jen Schnider,
Melinda Vaughn, Megan Coe
Quito, Ecuador


Nashville, TN

Help for Nicaragua

Jinotega, Nicaragua

Kerus Global

Leadership Ministries Worldwide

Chattanooga, TN

Kerus Global

Ross Family
East Africa, Kikuyu, Kenya

Samaritans Purse

Boone, NC

Kim Family

TeachBeyond France/EducaVie
Rhône Valley, France

Furr Family

United World Mission & World
Outreach EPC
Pencaitland, Scotland, UK


Patrick & Anna LaRochelle,
Michelle Doran, Mekedes Ekey
Eastern Democratic Republic of
Congo, Village of Nyankunde

Duong Family

Wycliffe Bible Translators
Chattanooga, TN & Global

World Outreach/ Footprints International

Jeff, Natasha, A.J. & Sonya
Northern Asia